This time, the words to represent Arashi's A to Z was given to everyone to think about, with the thought of completing Arashi's dictionary. The reason behind choosing each word, what kind of memories there are that should be included, please discuss and decide together! So, Sakurai-san, as the person with the role of deciding, please~
The first A should, as I thought, be decided by this word!
Sakurai: Okay! So let's assign 5 for each of us, and try to find words for them! Firstly A to E is for Aiba-kun, please!
Mastumoto: When talking about a word that is starting with A, there is probably no other word than "Arashi" or "Aiba" (laugh).
Aiba: That's probably right~. I'm confused over which to pick (laugh), but as thought it would be "Arashi". There is also "Asia", but here will have to be Arashi!
Sakurai: Yup, since it's the first word, we want to start with "Arashi".
Ohno: It seems that the Arashi dictionary is off to a good start, isn't it?
Ninomiya: Yes! We all agree with the word for A.
Aiba: B can probably be for "Beautiful". There is also "Baka" (stupid, idiotic) but that is only for me.
Sakurai: Do we just use "Beautiful"? Is it okay if we don't use the title of our single "Beautiful Days"?
Aiba: Yeaaa, because I think more than the song, each member in Arashi is beautiful...
Sakurai: For me I want to touch on my musical [The Beautiful Game] (laugh). (Sakurai starred in this in 2006 as the main actor)
Aiba: Uwaaa~ when you say that I become more lost. Then, why don't let's go with "Beautiful Game"!
Ninomiya: Is that okay?! Is that okay?! So it's decided (laugh).
Aiba: C is for "Concert". It is our privilege, we are given a chance to hold concerts every year. And we love concerts a lot don't we!
Matsumoto: There are also people to come for our variety show viewing, but only at concerts can we have direct communication.
Aiba: D is for "Dream". As expected, Arashi to me is a dream. A dreamworld.
Ninomiya: And that said, when are you going to wake up from that dream?
Aiba: No, it's because I don't want to wake up from the dream that I'm giving my all! (sweat)
Matsumoto: Leader, do you have any objections?
(And, this was asked to Ohno who was dreamily reading the studio's pamphlets)
Ohno: eee?
Sakurai: Now, Leader is in the middle of studying about this studio.
Everyone: Leaderrrr!!! (laugh)
Ohno: Ah, erm, D is...
Sakurai: No it's alright, we are already at E. (laugh)
Aiba: E is, "Arashi, is good!" (嵐、いいよ! ). Why is everyone having a look of protest on their faces?
Sakurai: No, it's not that we are disagreeing, but it's because this suddenly became a phrase and not a word.
Aiba: Seems like a decision has been made. Well, with this being said (?) the part that I'm in charge of is finished. So the next person is Leader, please!
The filming of the PV [Happiness] was fun.
Ohno: From here on is me?! F is for "Fishing". Since it is my hobby I do it a lot. There was a time where I went together with Sho-kun, but I don't think i have gone with the rest of the members. With Aiba-chan I have always talked about going but in reality we haven't done it yet.
Aiba: I want to go. You showed me pictures of when you went together with Sho-chan didn't you? Sho-chan, even though he said that it was his first time he caught a super big fish and I was jealous.
Matsumoto: Nino can't do it. Because he will get seasick.
Ninomiya: That's right~.
Ohno: G is for "G no Arashi!". The memories from this show are deeply etched inside.
Matsumoto: The time where we played Sugoroku was in [G no Arashi!]?
Aiba: Ahhh, that's right! That was horrible! It was quite crazy.
Matsumoto: Yes, things like showing our nipples and such.
Ninomiya: This has already nothing to do with penalty games, we were always wearing stockings on our heads.
Sakurai: I want to do it again. (laugh)
Ohno: H is probably for "Happiness".
Ninomiya: It was good that that single had a PV.
Ohno: Yes, amongst all the singles that we had until now, this is around the most fun of the PV filmings.
Matsumoto: What is with you saying "around there"! (laugh) Nino, why did you like that PV?
Ninomiya: The filming was fast.
Matsumoto: So it's that reason! Well, that is true.
Ninomiya: Being able to feeling something good in a short time is a wonderful thing.
Ohno: I is probably "Ai Love Junior".
Sakurai: I miss that. The 5 of us all appeared in it. The first time crossdressing was in that show.
Aiba: We also did something like gymnastics didn't we. Ah, that's wrong! It doesn't matter!!
Matsumoto: You just didn't remember anything!
Aiba: It seems like we didn't do any dramas?
Ohno: It was [Sound Story].
Aiba: It's that it's that! I remember it clearly.
Ohno: Yes, because I really didn't want to do it. The completed work, everyone in the studio would be able to see it. I got embarrassed.
Sakurai: Aiba-chan, that being said, isn't the way that you eat yoghurt weird?
(And, he teased Aiba who was eating yoghurt)
Aiba: This is soft so it's difficult.
Ohno: J can only be for "Johnny's".
Sakurai: As expected, that is the start.
Aiba: If we didn't join Johnny's, we wouldn't have been able to meet everyone.
Ninomiya: That's right! (solemn)
If you talk about M, N, O as initials for Arashi's words of course it would be...
Sakurai: Then from K onwards it will be me. K is for "Kotoba no Chikara" (the power of words). This is the title for our tour in 2007, and it was magnificent.
Aiba: Oh~ (expression of understanding)
Sakurai: L is "Lock Dance". Not Rock, but the locking with a key Lock dance. Because we danced it a lot since our Junior days. But recently, we haven't done it...
Ninomiya: We last did it in [Crazy Moon ~Kimi wa Muteki~] didn't we?
Matsumoto: Muteki.
Sakurai: Shouldn't M be "Matsujun"
Matsumoto: When you talk about words that come into mind with the letter M, it's either "Masochist" or me isn't it.
Aiba: There doesn't seem to be any objections.
Matsumoto: I did it! (laugh)
Sakurai: N is for Nino. Also for O, other than "Ohno-san" no other words come to mind.
Ninomiya: I have no objections!
Ohno: I have no objections! (laugh)
Sakurai: In the past the President often changed it to "Oh! No!".
Ohno: Yes. And then he said "There, you laugh too!" and gave me a face, and I thought "Can I possibly laugh at this!" (laugh).
Q is also present even in Arashi's origins, that word makes its appearance!
Ninomiya: So, from P onwards is me. P is the P in "Performance". Whether for concert or variety, it will be included in everything.
(So it isn't P for "Potato"?)
Ninomiya: Eh? Ah, I didn't even think about that for even one millisecond! (laugh)
Sakurai: Not even one millisecond! (laugh)
Ninomiya: Right. Q is in the end, something that is present even in our origins, it's "Questions".
Sakurai: That was our divergent point wasn't it.
Matsumoto: It was a matter of whether the group name would be Arashi or Questions.
Sakurai: Now, there is a junior band group with the name Question? isn't it?
Matsumoto: As expected, it has always been left in a corner of the President's head. He was probably thinking that "One day I want to give this name".
Ninomiya: R is for "Rehearsal". For when doing concerts and also when doing variety, it is based on these rehearsals.
Aiba: oh I see. For anything we can't just have the real take.
Ninomiya: S is probably for "Season". Recently, I can feel that we have a lot of times where we have tours from summer to winter, so since it fit I tried and chose this word.
Sakurai: When you talk about "Season", for me I remember au's [If we were not Arashi] CMs. Because the theme song was a song called "season". Leader, is it okay if S is not "Studio"? That said, what are you reading this time?
Ohno: Right now, I'm reading Potato's report on [Freeter, Ie wo Kau.]
Aiba: Ah, F has already ended isn't it.
Ninomiya: T is for "Time". This is the title for our concert in 2007, it is also simply the 11 years of time that has passed, and with that image I have chosen this word!
Y is for "Year". How was this year for everyone?
Matsumoto: So it's me. U is for "Uta" (ie song). Now we are given the chance to do things like variety, drama and many other things, but I chose this because our origin is that we are a group of 5 people that sings songs. Well, for a dictionary it would be "Song", but I'm not the one in charge of S.
Aiba: That's right. I can't think of anything other than "uta" for U. We are Arashi that can't live without songs after all.
Sakurai: We were given many songs to sing this year as well.
Matsumoto: V is for "Volleyball". It was because we did the theme song for the World Cup Volleyball that we were given a chance to debut. If we didn't have volleyball, these 5 people would now, would probably not be together.
Aiba: I miss it!
Ninomiya: Saying that you miss it, you seem like a person who played volleyball (laugh).
Matsumoto: W is probably for "World". Now, information about us is being spread around the world by the internet, and we are being greeted from all over the world. Recently, Aiba-kun went to Holland, but even there he was greeted by people wasn't he?
Aiba: Yes. There is also the word "arashi" in Holland's language, but I don't know the meaning. I was thinking of learning the meaning from everyone after I came back to Japan, but everyone didn't know Holland's language so it was impossible.
Ninomiya: That's true (laugh).
Matsumoto: X is for,this information is for the December issue? (This was done in the middle of November) Then, "Xmas" is good.
Ninomiya: In the first place there are not really many words that start with X.
Sakurai: Ye~a, the anime [X-men] is along the lines of X? But we can't connect with that in any way (laugh). Thus "Xmas" is a correct answer.
Ohno: Plus the eve is also Aiba-san's birthday!
Matsumoto: On that day for this year, we appear in [Music Station].
Aiba: Will I receive anything from Tamori-san? (Tamori-san is the host of Music Station)
Ninomiya: Sunglasses! sunglasses!
Sakurai: (while looking at an English dictionary) Ah! (Francis) Xavier also starts from X! No, sorry, anything is fine. Please go to the next one.
Matsumoto: Y is, with the inclusion of the recollection of "I wonder how was this year", is the word "Year".
Ninomiya: We were filled with musical activities this year. We were allowed to release a lot of singles, and we also had an album. (because Ninomiya started talking seriously, so that everyone will start chatting). Hey, everyone, conclude this year!
Aiba: We were given a lot of new things to do. Like Japan Tourism Navigator and becoming the image group for a jet airplane.
Ninomiya: And on the night of New Year's Eve, we were given the responsibility of being the MC for Kouhaku.
Sakurai: Ohno-san, how was it? You also had the performance of [Kaibutsu-kun].
Ohno: But it was only for a short period of time. Last year (2009) passed by very fast, but I get the feeling that this year passed by even faster. Just that gives the sense of fulfillment.
Matsumoto: Anything is fine, but the T-shirt that Leader is wearing right now, how many times that we have seen it this year? He even wore it during winter and autumn. (And, pointed out Leader's T-shirt that is his own)
Ohno: Ah,this? I bought it 3 or 4 years back, but I wore it the most this year.
Ninomiya: What is with that blank! (he means the gap in the years)
Sakurai: Yea, this year is really the year that we always see this T-shirt (bitter laugh)
Ohno: The one I'm using next year will be a new one, because I bought it.
Ninomiya: Won't that one be worn only after 3 or 4 years? (laugh)
Sakurai: But it was a fun year wasn't it. We got the chance to do a countrywide tour. Around the time where this Potato issue will be sold is when we finished our Nagoya performance, what is left is Fukuoda.
Aiba: For tours, after the concert has finished everyone goes to eat together, that is good. Especially for Hokkaido, I look forward to it.
Sakurai: For Hokkaido Matsumoto-kun was the one who searched for the shop wasn't it?
Matsumoto: Yes. Well to be accurate, it wasn't me who searched it, Ooizumi You-san taught me about it.
Ninomiya: Probably Genghis Khan. (dish that is unique to Hokkaido,)
Aiba: And the last is Z.
Sakurai: Ehh~ What can it be? It's difficult.
Ninomiya: Isn't it "ZERO"?
Sakurai: If I do it in a cool way more often.
Ohno: "Zombie"?
Ninomiya: Yes. Our relation with zombies is. Well, we haven't even met one before.
Ohno: "Zigzag"?
Sakurai: "Zenbu"? (everything)
Matsumoto: "Zehi"? (certainly)
Aiba: Isn't "zehi" good?!
Ninomiya: Yea that's right. It is about "certainly giving Arashi your favour from here on".
Everyone: That became something good!! (laugh)
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