Tuesday, December 30, 2008
oh no!!!!
the result already out!!!! no A ......... i got 2B 4C and 1D............D is sejarah and B is bi and sad i didn't get 1A T.T ToT so so so so sad...............
Monday, December 29, 2008
oh my god!!!
tomorrow 30/12/2008 i take result pmr!!!!! i so scared !!!!!!! i hope i can get 4A !!!! i already tells my grandmother that i will take 4A then she go and tell my dad!!!! my dad say 4A cannot you only can get 2A only..........on that time i was so sad...........
Friday, December 26, 2008
chritsmas eve
sorry i didn't write at all so in christsmas i went to melaka and at night i went to my dad friends house to have so dinner it was so nice the food the place!!!!tonight i will go to my cousing house eat on 26/12/2008 but today got music station!!!!!!! arashi, news,aiko,dream come true,ken hirai,uverworld,orange range,and a lot i hope got reapeat!!!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
merry christmas!!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
happy birthday to mum!!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
and more!!!!!
at cameron highlands it was cold until die!!!!!then we went to see some flower it so beautiful!!!! and more................
home sweet home!!!
halo!!! on 6.30p.m just came back from cameron highlands at there was very cold! and we went to BOH tea garden went there to see point view!! it was so high we climbed until tired and we went to pasar there we eat ice-cream it was so nice!!! in the house have astro!!!! it was so cold at night........
Friday, December 5, 2008
wonderful days!!!!!
tomorrow me and my family will go to cameron highlands!!!!!!!!! i can't wait for this holiday with my big family!!!!!!!! i hope arashi will come to malaysia in 2009!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
coming soon!!!
coming we all will go to cameron highland!!!!!!! i wish i will have fun and won't be sick..................
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
so tired!!!
today early in the morning i went to pasar seni to check my teeth then the nurse says after 2 day only open ok is fine. then we went to jaya juso for look some cloth because tomorrow is j-card sales then we eat ichiban ramen!!! is so nice!!!this is the 1st time i ate!!!!! then we went to nichii fashion we buy a lot of cloth spend rm700!!!! until 5.00p.m we only come come form home................
Monday, December 1, 2008
today got tuition!!!! at 8 to 9.10pm i hope i won't forget!!!!!!!! then today was tired because yesterday i with my friends 11.30am until 5pm......same like 6 hour in leisure mall now my mum always ask me to do just so boring at home but on 6/12/2008 we going to cameron highland!!!! and on 19/12/2008 we going to pangkor island!!!! i can't wait !!!! i will looking forward !!!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
is so boring......
is so boring at home but on 30th nov i will go out with kah mun i can't wait it !!!!!! to day is a boring date i have
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
oh my god!!!
i can't believe it my mum will stay in the hospital!!!!!! and today at night i will go and visit her in hospital at HUKM...... the good news is tomorrow is ohno satoshi birthday!!!!!!! by this time i not yet daftar sejarah i don't know how....... pls i must daftar because the sejarah lesson is on 1/12/2008 i don't know how............. now i just playing maple and just blog and listen some arashi song.........
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
oh my god!!!! you know that emma brand new season is coming!!!!! sunday at 11.00pm i can't wait to watch it!!!!!! it so romatic emma with willam jones together..............remember must watch it!!!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
home sweet home!!!
halo!!! just came back from Penang yesterday at 11.00p.m. On 16/11/2008 have 'Penang brige run' so so tired just like hell. My body all pain....and eat a lot until stomach pain go to toilet three time yesterday morning. Me and my family eat a lot like seafood, fish market, asam laksa,chicken rice,ais kacang,oh jian, and a lot. But, asam laksa i eat a little bit only... then my sister the small one very anrgy because cannot eat ^^ the reason that she cannot eat is me and my big sister stomach pain. But she happy can eat ais kacang in this holiday i suffer a lot. In Penang we lve in a holet call B suite is nice but i change one time. Normally we live in 603 room all is because the toilet banjir then we change to 1316 room. When we want to go eat seafood my mum friend to give some thing, then my mum with my small sister go up suddenly i heard that my mum press wrong until 18. haha!!! then go to 1318 room. We had a good time in Penang... but is good to be home...
Friday, November 14, 2008
today at night me and my family will go to penang. 1st we go to taiping to help clean my grandfather house then we eat our breakfast then go to penang. i'm so happy now but now i hate my small sister everytime eat sweet and the paper didn't throw always me help her to thorw i want to kill her la !!!! and then today no school suddenly got meeting....haiz
Sunday, November 9, 2008
home made kazoku!!!
new album home made kazoku is "HOME" i can't wait to listen it!! and on 15/11/2008 is arashi concert in shangai i want to go but.... on at date me and my family go Penang to run!!!10km i will kill myself and my friend borrow my a soundtrack colourcloud palace!!! so nice the song i mean music hehe^^
Friday, November 7, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

hi everyone sorry i busy so now i watching kurosagi is so nice and beautiful days by arashi pv full version come out already i'm so happy about it and i promise that i at 18 years old i will write my dairy just same like yamapi!!! i news and of course arashi !!!! gambateh !! on this years 2008 i got ponteng so takut i will give my kp anrgy so i must kept out the good work so must work hard!!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008

now is monday i totally uncool you see that i so lazy to read book but i like music a lot i don't know what will happen to me and i don't know that pmr i will get how many A -_- so sad my parents please me to study but i can't the only way is my mom sit next to me then i can read but i can't read alone with no body it just unfair so please i hope can score many A!!! 14 DAYS MORE!!PMR
Sunday, September 28, 2008

theme song is very nice sunny day by fujiki kazue this movie call Sweet Rain 死神の精度 is nice now watching but cannot just listen the song only because my parents not allow now there all at melaka so i watch a litte bit but until now today i didn't read book after this i must read if not i kena pukul !! so remember watch this show everone!!! GAMBATEH PMR!! 15 DAYS MORE!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
hi every one!!
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